Little Rock Moving Blog - Tips, Tricks, and Insider Info
June 07, 2024

How To Move with Your Pets

moving with petsBy Julie DeLong, Oil Capitol Relocation 

Moving with your pets is much different than moving without them. You will need to make sure they are cozy and protected, while also making sure you are still capable of doing everything you have to do for the move. Continue reading to find out how to move with your furry friends.

Preparing for your move

The initial step is to obtain their health records. This process should not be difficult since most vets can merely transfer the records electronically.

It's also important that you refill any medications that they take and bring the medications along on the trip with them!

If you're driving across the country or even just a fairly short distance, it might help to bring some type of bedding for your furry companion like blankets or towels that could serve as makeshift beds in the car. They may feel more at ease sleeping on something soft as compared to sitting on plastic or metal in a carrier or kennel for an extended period of time.

Packing the essentials

It's not possible to move together with household pets without packing the necessities, which includes everything from their food to their preferred toy. The smartest thing you should do is pack these items within a box on their own so that they are effortless to find when you need them. With regards to food, place ample for at least two weeks for every family pet in a container or perhaps box which has an airtight seal on it.

Subsequently, ensure that your household pets always have toys and treats on hand. It's also wise to include all medications or grooming supplies for special needs your furry friend could have. Also remember about leashes, collars, as well as other safety equipment!

Deciding on the best style of carrier

While moving with your pets, you have to make sure you can get them from one home to the other securely. One of the best approaches to do this is by making use of a carrier. There are many different types of carriers on the market, so you'll need to take a little time to figure out which sort is right for the family pet.

No matter what type of carrier you choose, make sure it is large enough for your pet; or else, they might feel cramped during their journey!

Guaranteeing safety and comfort

Pets will feel tension and stress and in addition they understand when situations are changing, despite the fact that they cannot explain to you. This means that they may be apt to try and sprint outside if a door is open. They might be likely to nip at individuals - both familiar and strangers - or to hide in different places.

It's a good idea to provide a secure area for your pet to go when they're feeling overwhelmed. And if you'll be busy and not able to keep an eye on them, like for the duration of packing or even when the moving company in Little Rock is loading or unloading the moving truck, you might want to place them in an empty bedroom or bathroom with the door closed to make certain they don't flee.

On moving day, exchange out the tags on their collar with new ones that include your new street address as well as, if applicable, new phone number. This makes sure that if your pet escapes or is otherwise lost throughout the move, they should be able to find their way back to you. You should also update their microchip information during this time period with all the new specifics.

Unique complications while moving with domestic pets

Moving with domestic pets possesses unique challenges that you don't worry about when moving without them. For instance, your animal is probably not going to be too excited about the idea of the moving company crew in Little Rock entering into the house and messing up his or her favorite spots with packing containers. But it is additionally vital to understand what you can do to ensure your furry friend is comfortable and safe during the move. Fortunately, there are a few easy steps it is possible to take to make certain they are happy throughout the transition.

To start with, try saving their area for last when packing. Try to keep the upheaval from their bedding, eating, and bathroom places as much as you are able to. This will give them safe and sound spaces to retreat to.

Put household pets in an unused room and close the door each when moving out of your current residence and into your new home. You may need to do this every time you go in and out for a little bit as your family pet adjusts to their new home.

Next, if you are moving to a different house in a close by area, try taking your pup for strolls or to a dog park in the new area for them to begin getting accustomed to the vicinity. Should you have a cat, try bringing something from the new residence to your current residence so the cat may smell it and get accustomed to the scent.

Relocating interferes with their schedule as well as life in general, therefore it is essential they've got enough time to get comfortable in relation to their new environment. Look for strategies to introduce them to their new house prior to when you officially move in together. Take them around the home on a leash or let them investigate outside the house while supervised.

Moving with pets generally is a little more tough as compared to relocating alone. Stick to this guide and you'll be completely equipped.


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